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Sincerely, Mark Hamilton
I am the author of over a dozen Neothink® Books, some translated in several different languages with printed copies sold throughout nearly 200 countries. Despite being one of the most successful writers on the planet, not once did I go through traditional publishing channels. The major New York book publishers have a surprisingly narrow formula to select from. More and more, their book covers must display some notable person, someone well-known or in the news, or their book covers must reflect popular current events. The shelf-space of their books is getting smaller and smaller; the shelf-life of their books is getting shorter and shorter. So they need greater impulse buying. They need more emphasis on cosmetics than content.
Grassroots Books moves us back in the direction sorely missing today — back into books with the emphasis on quality content. And Grassroots Books welcomes all authors and not just notable or famous “authors”. In fact, we can argue that the genuine article — the true authors — come here to Grassroots Books as differentiated from the wave of “award winning authors” using ghost writers to put together their manuscripts.
Here you may post your manuscript on Grassroots Books, and it will be read by members. The first five days of each month, our devoted members will vote on their top three favorite books. As Grassroots Books grows, we will eventually vote in different genres. But during this phase, we will vote on all submissions collectively. And each month we will post the top five on the Grassroots Books Chart.
Charting in Grassroots Books will bring value to your book, give it the prestigious stamp of quality. That notable credit will draw attention to your book for online sales and could draw the attention of a major New York publisher.
The limit is three submissions per month. Make your submission today. And enjoy reading and judging the other Grassroots Books!
At the beginning of every month, members vote for five days, from the 1st of the month through the 5th. Each IP (computer) gets three votes:
Vote for…
1st Place (5 points)
2nd Place (4 points)
3rd Place (3 points)
The points will be confidentially tallied by our board, and the Grassroots Charts will be released on the 6th of each month.